The impact of this media journal was huge, especially when it comes to my awareness of the media surrounding me. Taking the time to actually analyze certain aspects of media and messages that are shoved into my mind made me become fearful even, but still more aware of the overwhelming presence of media consumption. These different blogs helped me to become tentative with my media consumption, and to even sub-consciously analyze media I interact with trying to see what kind of messages they're are attempting to sell me. The purpose of almost all media is to persuade, persuade to buy, consume, become, or sell.
As in one of the documentaries stated, the average person consumes at least 10 hours of media a day, almost half of the entirety of a day. I honestly could believe I even consume even more media than just 10 hours, as my whole life surrounds it. I am constantly on my phone or on my computer or watching tv, not to mention also being bombarded by different billboards and advertisements while I am outside. This constant involvement of media has impacted me greatly, mostly I'd say for the worse. It shoves these things I should want or have down my throat and generally makes me more materialistic. This world is already run by money, this impacting my life certainly doesn't help. The whole idea of misrepresentation of women in media, really had an impact on me as I was exposed to the negativity of Hollywood and their effect among the whole idea of what women ought to be. It was extremely upsetting and simply made me mad, as I felt like I had to conform to this idea and I hadn't realized I was already doing so without even knowing.
With the newly found exposure to media marketing and the new knowledge I gained to make me an educated consumer, I am now able to not as easily fall for their tricks and buy these products. They often play on insecurities that many of us have, and not knowing this before I had really believed their products would help solve these issues within myself. Now that I know more because of the critical thinking class, I realize the reality of these products and that they truly do not help with anything and it is all an attempt simply to get the guap (our money; the more you know :)). Being an educated consumer is extremely important as you don't spend your money on such unnecessary things that in the end will do nothing for you.
I intend to continue to apply my knowledge involving media's warping of reality to better my life, as I will try to realize and question "Is this really necessary?" when looking at the media surrounding me. I also shall not believe everything that the media suggests as in the end they serve no true purpose for me as they don't truly care for me, just about selling their products or having me consume them. In the end it will be difficult to ignore these tendencies of falling prey to marketing tactics, as I've grown up doing so, but I believe with enough persistence it can be achieved. Hopefully, I can turn the media into simply and only a useful tool that does not hurt me or my personal well being in the end.
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